There were increasing reports about the release is imminent arrest of Sheikh Mohammed Hassan after a media presentation of the video Ahmed Musa said Sheikh Hassan shows with elements of the organization "Daesh" terrorist.
That information is based on that Moses did not publish the video of himself, but arranged with the security agencies to prepare for the arrest of Hassan or as a threat to pressure him in certain things.
It was Ahmed Musa has to offer, on Thursday, a video clip from the Salafi preacher Mohamed Hassan appears, during my speech appears to have held long ago, as seen in the video black flags usually brought by supporters of the organization "Daesh" festival.
Moses and commented on the video in his TV show "on my responsibility," which presents the channel "Echo of the country," saying: "Sheikh Hassan sitting in a conference, we do not support the Muslims around the world, the army or the police or the Egyptian judiciary, but sitting with black flags and with the owners thought obscurantist, who are chanting the people want to apply the law of God. "
Moussa did not specify the date of shooting video, but only the attack on the Egyptian preacher known.